Italy Wedding Photographer Andrea Bagnasco

I’m a documentary photographer specialized in weddings and I’m based in Italy.

I was born in 1971, the same year in which Queen and the Eagles were formed, Nasdaq made its debut in Wall Street and women in Switzerland gained the right to vote. If that seems like a long time ago, be informed that Antonio Banderas and Ricky Martin were also born in 1971, and they don’t seem to be looking too aged.

I am married and father of a young boy. I graduated with honors in something that has nothing to do with photography. I like to play football (or soccer, as it’s known outside of Europe) much less to watch it on TV, I like hiking and love to spend time in the Alps, even though I live by the sea. I have an incurable passion for guitars, which so far resisted the years and my wife.

italy wedding photographer portofino

I’m curious and observant, a little perfectionist, perhaps more than just a little, thoughtful even if I often take gut decisions. I’m Sagittarius ascendant Leo. In short, a people photographer by nature. As in the end what interests me is to photograph people for who they are, unique in their own normality and to tell their stories.

I’m inspired by street and documentary photographers, by the great portrait photographers: Henri Cartier Bresson, W Eugene Smith, Sebastião Salgado, Garry Winogrand, Alex Webb, Don McCullin, Elliott Erwitt, James Nachtwey, Annie Leibovitz, Richard Avedon, just to name a few. Always keeping in mind that we Italians live in a country drenched in art and history, which necessarily affect our perception of beauty and the way we see things. Visual arts are somewhat innate to us, whether we are fully aware of this, or not.

But what has this to do with shooting weddings? Well, for one thing, it is through my vision, my history and my taste that the memories of my clients take shape. I like to say that photography is a double exposure, in that it exposes the subjects both in front and behind the camera. Photography is a transparent medium: we photograph for who we are.

My way of telling the story of a wedding is part of the way I am, the way I see things, and I like my stories to capture authentic moments. I like my pictures to be real, because the story of your wedding day is to me far more important than spending hours taking posed shots. In my vision, the wedding photographer uses his style to tell the story of his clients and put them in the spotlight. Not the other way around, where the bride and groom are taken as a means to put the photographer’s style in the spotlight.

I am member and multi award winner of the most prestigious international associations of wedding photographers, such as Fearless Photographers, WPJA (Wedding Photojournalist Association), who guarantee top level quality and professionalism of their members. I speak fluent English, can handle just enough French to get through the day and I’m at ease working in international environments.

Thanks for reading up to here. I hope you’ll want spend some time to browse through my pictures and decide if I am the photographer you are looking for. In this case, please do get in touch to tell me a bit about you.