Elena + Alberto | Wedding at Palazzo della Torre, Genova

Wedding at Palazzo della Torre Genova – I can’t say I know my clients in general. With Elena and Alberto we only met once, as with most of my clients then I heard them by phone a couple of times before the date, as it usually happens. I can’t say I know them, in fact. Getting to know each other is a complex, time-consuming thing that requires months, maybe years.

There is no way to be able to really get to know each other between the photographer and his customers. The bride and groom have the opportunity to study me a bit from what I publish on the web, by looking at my photos and by reading this blog. Eventually, they can ask around. Inquire about. Then, in truth, choosing the photographer is a matter of intuition. Information is not enough. The choice certainly starts from basic information as per a cognitive, rational process. But clients will eventually decide to go or no go regardless of this. Their choice comes from the gut, rather than from the head. It’s a bit like falling in love, in short.

With Elena and Alberto it went exactly like this. They sensed that my pictures were the ones that could best tell their story. Those able to grasp their heritage of feelings. After all, with only less than a few hours spent together, I was and still am a perfect stranger to them.

It’s a complex thing, to choose who to entrust your memories. The head only goes as far as it can, this is a choice that should come from the heart. A little like when you decide to get married, coincidentally.

Here are some pictures of their day.

To inquire about my services, visit my Contact Page

Wedding Venue: Palazzo della Torre
Caterers: Welcome Ricevimenti


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